Roland Billib

Dr jur

Expert in international law – ius gentium (formerly University of Göttingen), attorney at law in Almaty and Moscow, many years experience inter alia in Libya, Egypt, West Africa and South West Africa, languages: English, French

Holm Bleyer

Prof Dr med

He is doctor of human medicine and specialist for pharmacology and toxicology. He was head of chair of military toxicology at Institute for Military Toxicology and Radiology in the GDR. He works in the fields of risk assessment, risk management, health and occupational safety.

Axel Dahlberg

Mining Engineer

He graduated from the Technical University of Clausthal with a degree in mining engineering, copper mining South Africa, road construction in development countries, project management USA, Turkey, Universidad de Atacama/Chile by order of Center for international Migration and Development in Frankfurt, Senior Expert Mozambique, languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Siegfried Franke

Prof Dr sc Dr rer nat

was active in the field of warfare agents chemistry in research and teaching in military educational institutions of the former GDR. He is author and editor of a 2-volume “Textbook for Military Chemistry”, which also appeared in English and Russian. This textbook became the standard lesson in many countries in the world. He is a nationally and internationally renowned scientist whose enormous knowledge is in demand, time and again.

Henning Kahlke

Colonel retired

Company Commander, Commanding Officer Engineers‘ Battalion I, Second in Command of Brigade PzBrig 34, Senior Officer Munster, Commander military training areas Munster-North and Munster-South, languages: English

pic_claus_kemp (2)
Claus Kemp

Teacher for health professionals

Graduated from the University of Osnabrueck with a degree in vocational education, health sciences and german language, head of a training center for EMS staff, emergency paramedic, senior officer, experience in demining projects in Angola and Somalia, languages: English, Spanish, Portugese.

A Krippendorf
Alfred W. Krippendorf

Dipl. Ing. Ing. chem., Captain retired

Study at Offiziershochschule der Landstreitkräfte Löbau, troop leader Chemical Corps of the National People’s Army of the former GDR, head of the toxicological-radiological group at the central chemical training area Storkow, central storage for CWA, training, testing and research activities with live agents, 1990-1992 NBC staff officer at the German Federal Armed Forces, since 1995 operating a special laboratory in projects for CWM destruction in Germany, Russia, France, Japan

Horst Pook
Horst Pook
Dr-Ing, Dr mont

Study at the Bergakademie Clausthal, Dr-Ing at the RWTH Aachen, Dr mont at the Montan University Leoben/Austria, Management for several companies in the field of plant engineering in Germany, Japan, Malaysia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Qatar, residence Ankara, languages: English

Matthias Reuter

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Studied physics and geophysics, got his PhD in engineering and is a professor of computer science, Department Modeling and Simulation at the TU Clausthal. He also worked as scientist at the University of the German Army in Hamburg and the University of Dortmund, Colonel in the German Air Force, languages: German, English, Spanish